Anchored Successfully Notification

Anchored Successfully Notification

This article explains the notification Anchor users will receive when they have Anchored a file.
You will learn:
  1. What it means when you have anchored a file.
  2. How to view a file's access rules.
A user can Anchorize (encrypt) a file. The "Files Successfully Anchorized" alert (shown below) means that your file is now encrypted and protected. Anchor uses AES 256 encryption to secure your files. 

Anchored files will be given default access rules in order to be consumed. If these access rules are not followed, users will not be able to consume plain text.
To read more about AES 256 encyrption, click here
To learn more about Anchoring and unAnchoring files, click here.

Viewing a File's Access Rules

To view a file's rules, right click the file, scroll down to the Anchor menu, and click on 'Show Access Rules.' 

A user can also unAnchor (decrypt) a file. This action will be logged.

Anchor cannot control unAnchored files. 

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